Posts Archive
All posts
Week 26: yellow
Week 25: No one cares what your name is
Week 24: the shipping forecast
Week 23: you can't trust the instanceof operator
Week 22: straight to the pub
Week 21: squeaky toys
Week 19, 20: recovering
Week 18: another walk
Week 17: Captain, it's Wednesday
Week 16: independent bookseller
Week 15: cute, sharp, and incontinent
Week 14: the ultimate combination
Week 13: splendid
Week 12: fast paced and engaging
Week 11: severe lack of cake
Week 10: MDN saves the day
Week 9: Cycling has taken over my life
Community Fibre with Unifi and a gotcha
Week 8: Everything is an object
Week 7: Got to fail a few times before you succeed.
Week 6: Advent of code. Send help.
A Networking Gotcha
Week 4 & 5: A huge amount of cycling
Week 3: I got soaked
Week 2: Licking cardboard
Week 1: The promise of roast potatoes
Gluten Free Banana Bread